We are proud of making every single product with sustainable resources

Decoluxe is a company created and instilled with a desire to enhance the world around us. Founded by two young carpenters in a small Colombian town surrounded by mountains called La Union.

We started our company on a dirt floor shed half covered by a tin roof. Since the first days of the company, we have grown into a thriving community of local carpenters, apprentices, and craftsman. The success of our company unquestionably comes from the hard work of our team and our unshakable commitment to environmental stewardship.


He who plants trees dwells beside eternity. Our rightful craving for more forests births a humanity, more humane and free.
Joaquín Araújo
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The wood we use – Nogal Cafetero – is sourced exclusively from independent farmers. Our 15-year goal is to plant and harvest 100% of our own wood creating a perpetual cycle of shared benefit. Sustainable industry is at the core of our beliefs.

Our company strives to change the paradigm of consumerism by creating products that are both conversation pieces and yet are durable. We take pride in what we do. Inspired by the beautiful hills, valleys, and mountains that surround us we strive continually to reflect our environment and values in our work.

The best quality materials

To make the best furniture we use the best materials, that is why besides natural wood, we complement our products with high quality materials:

Antifluid fabric

Resistant and easy to wash.

Recycled materials

We create our own mastic with our wood waste.

Comfortable foam

High quality shape retaining foam.

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